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Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 31 Mai 2009, 04:10
von Alfanarreo166
Hallo Alfistis,
Nach dem ich nun meinem 166 GFW verpasst verständlicherweise Sturz auch verstellt!

Nun..sollte es doch die Möglichkeit geben Sturz einstellen zu können!? gibt es evtl. tricks/möglichkeiten den sturz beim Alfa 166 einzustellen z.B sturzversteller..ect. wo man dafür was bekommt??

Es muß doch sicherlich ne Lösung dafür geben..oder ?

Wenn nicht ist ja einseitiger Reifenverschleiß vorprogrammiert..!


Re: Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2009, 14:03
von WhiteAnimal
Do you mean at the front, the rear or both?

Officially there not really a way to adjust the 'sturz' as you call it, but maybe these tips can help you.


As you look where the arm is connected to the car, where the 2 bolts go on: behind that metal piece, are 2 bushes about 1 cm in size. You can brush off a few millimeters, 2 is certainly possible, maybe even more but be aware to prevent the arm touching the chassis - for damage, strange noises when driving. 1 mm off the bushes changes sturz about 0,15 / 0,2 degrees in the right direction.


And at the rear it looks as if the attachment support (5) for the upper rod has elliptical slots instead of simple holes. Would that be a possibility to adjust camber if you try and mount this support as far to the outside of the car as possible. In that way you're pushing the wheel into a more vertical position? Why would they have designed slots instead of holes and provide you with some margin to fiddle around, if this piece was only meant to be mounted in just 1 way only. If you need more room, I don't know how much bigger you can make thses slote -to create the full difference you need- without weakening the construction & your safety.

Re: Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2009, 14:36
von Alfanarreo166
Danke für den hilfreichen Tip!!

Mir geht es hauptsächlich um die Vorderachse!

Hast du es an deinem 166 angewendet..?Das würde mich interessieren..u.was sind deine erfahrungen damit?Hat man damit den Reifenverschleiss im Griff?

Danke :wink:

Re: Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2009, 15:14
von WhiteAnimal
Someone in our club did it (only to the front) because of high and unequal tire wear. The values of 'sturz' should be between -0,5 en -1,0 degrees. His previous value was about -1,40 / -1,42. After his adjustments it's now -1,00 on the one side and -1,12 on the other side. He could get even closer to the ideal values, because he hasn't taken of the maximum of what's possible, because he didn't know the effect of removing a few mm and it's easier to remove something extra that find out you've gone too far.

I can't say if it really makes a difference in wear because it's only been a few weeks ago when he did so. But I can't image that it wouldn't make things better, although it probably still won't be perfect. And as you've to come from 2 degrees, that's quite a huge gap to brigde. Maybe you can do this for a few mm's and combine it with camber bolts, H&R make them???


The adjustment of the rear is just a theory of mine that came to mind when I saw the slots in that one part. It may not even be possible to change something there.

Re: Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2009, 15:29
von Alfanarreo166

Ich finde leider niemand der mir das umsetzen kann,weil der Mechaniker meines vertrauens meint sowas sei absoluter pfusch u. er würde sowas nicht machen..da es gefährlich für die Fahrsicherheit sein könne.. :(
Mein seitheriger lösung des problems ist..Ich habe einfach nach 6000km die richtung der Reifen getauscht damit ich dem einseitigen Reifenverschleiss ein bisschen entgegen wirke..u. damit die Reifen etwas länger fahren kann.

Re: Alfa 166 nach GFW einbau Sturz Negativ2°...

Verfasst: 05 Sep 2009, 15:39
von WhiteAnimal
As long as you're serious and remain sensible in what you are doing, I don't think your driving safety will be harmed. It's not like you're cheap tuning [-X